Scholarships to be part of the festival's Camerata
21 participants were selected for the Ecuador-Colombia tour. Those selected will be credited with accommodation, food (breakfast, lunch and dinner), transportation during the tour from June 17 to 29, 2019; In addition, they will be able to attend workshops, seminars and master classes.
Requirements to participate:
Be between 18 and 30 years old.
Play the violin, viola, cello, and double bass.
Audition, a piece with piano or without piano, an orchestra passage of your choice and upload to YouTube, 10 minutes max. (Attach link in the registration form, see PDF steps to record video on YouTube for more information)
Registration has a cost of $ 140 US dollars which will be paid online / transfer / deposit as follows: $ 20 registration to audition and later (only if selected) the remaining payment of $ 120 will be made.
Fill out the registration form at the bottom of this page.
Deadline to present audition March 30, 2019.
Those selected will be notified on April 1, 2019.